Monday, May 5, 2008

Arrival!!! May 4 - May 5

Due to some technical difficulties we can't post the pictures we took at the ariport, but we'll make up for it with some extras tomorrow.

The important thing is that we all got here safe and sound, though 26 hours in transit was wearing. Rui Liu ("Ray") was at the sirport to meet us along with two of the Chinese students who will be spending time with us this week. The airport is massive, brand new and ultra modern The 6-8 lane highway into town could have been in any major US city (except for the neon signs in Chinese characters as well as in English!), and the hotel on campus is very up to date with cable Internet access in each room.

Hope everybody is getting some sleep while I write this because it's a big day tomorrow. After some lessons in basic Chinese we're off to Tiananmenn Square and the Forbidden City, and after that it's a welcome dinner at a restuarant that is world famous for its Peking Duck.

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